Help with Home Finances & Benefits
Foodshare Update
Beneficiary Stories

Supporting young people through NCS and the Tree House Project
Thank you to our Supporters
Thank you to our Supporters
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough"
The Coop
Jeannette Heath
Anthony from charities without Borders.
Nicola Reast
Sue Sissons
Thank you to our amazing volunteers who this week have provide over 298 meals, in 79 households across Blidworth, Rainworth and Surrounding Areas. Volunteers have also helped 2 farms and supported an Easter Egg drop at Blidworth and Rainworth Primary Schools.

Foodshare Update

We've secured funding to upskill our volunteers with Food Hygiene, Safeguarding Health, Safety & PPE.
Beneficiary Stories

Help with Home Finances & Benefits
Benefits and Tax Credits
Click HERE to go to the Citizen Advice's website with all the links you need to help you find out more about what you are entitled to claim and how
Home Finances
Click HERE to go to the link for Money Saving Expert
Click HERE to access the government's Money Advice Service
Supporting young people through NCS and the Tree House Project
Young people who are getting ready to make an impact in the community through National Citizen Service (NCS) and are still active in supporting local causes.
NCS students, who will give back to the local community through volunteering and fundraising, are currently supporting the Social Action Hub to raise funds for the COVID 19 emergency fund.
We will be working with young people via online platforms to plan fundraisers, provide advice and guidance, facilitate the projects. Our hope is the students can join us at the centre for some hands on volunteering later in the year.
Click HERE for the link to our local giving page where the group will be operating their fundraiser from.
