Useful links
If you need support TEXT 07305 782569
Thanks to all of our donors, volunteers and supporters!
There are a huge list of thank you's to go out this week... together we have provided almost 3000 meals!

Fox Golf Club (Steve Mee)
Alan Thompson
Tanya Rowland
Michele Roberts
Sue Borne
Penny Evans
Michelle Russhard
Helen Page
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Rainworth Parish Council
Blidworth Parish Council
Nottinghamshire County Council
Nottinghamshire Community Foundation
Yvonne Woodhead
Bill Bates
Zhoe Lowe
Joan White
Joe Hartley
Nicole Bradley
Anthony from Charities without borders
Kirsten Bates
Janice Baxter
Jon Rea
Nick Rhodes
Gilly Hagen
Danielle Crowson
Joanne Eyles
Our anonymous donors and supporters
Celebrating Team Foodshare
We have received 71 volunteer applications to date, this is an amazing response! 33 of our volunteers are active across Blidworth, Rainworth and surrounding areas collecting medication, delivering and collecting food donations and providing befriending and pastoral support to those people who are vulnerable or isolated.
66 Households and care homes in Blidworth and Rainworth are being supported on a regular basis.
The funds you have raised and the donations you have collected are helping vulnerable and isolated people in our community remain free from food poverty. We are so very grateful for you support, your innovation, your fantastic ideas to provide help to those that need it and for your hard work and dedication, around the clock for your community.
Maigan and Lisa are working so very hard behind the scenes to co-ordinate volunteers, requests for support and the essential daily supplies.
Look at how much work has taken place over the past 3 weeks! It's awesome :)

Support provided by Team Foodshare is for anyone who is vulnerable or isolated.
Supporting Sherwood Forest Foodbank
The Food Bank provides the government funded Food Aid scheme to people who are the most financially at risk and vulnerable to all Blidworth & Rainworth through the voucher scheme.
Anyone who is on a low income/receiving benefits can access the Foodbank can Text Foodbank to 07305 782569
The Social Action Hub will then arrange the voucher to be processed with the Foodbank and a food parcel to be delivered. You will receive free food donations for the length of time that you are on a low income or receiving benefits when you need them.
“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”
We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.
Our foodbank is run by local people for local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry. Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?
Contact The Social Action Hub or click on the link above find out more.
Fundraising and Donations
Our team of volunteers are available to collect donations from stores and local people.
Text DONATE to 07305 782569
We currently receive regular donations from Tesco, Sainsbury's and ASDA via our Coop Foodshare and Fareshare partnership and other local stores and businesses.
Who we are
The Social Action Hub was founded in 1994 in response to the recent pit closures and the negative effect on community life that a poor economy and poor life chances offered young people and families in Blidworth and Rainworth.
Much of our work in the villages and surrounding areas has focused on young people, tackling the effects of poverty an providing access to learning, educations, skills, employment, volunteers, work experience, health and wellbeing, supporting other small groups through partnership working and other providing a range of community projects and campaigns, we're at the heart of the community.
This year we have worked with over 267 beneficiaries, supporting adults to access FE and work, and the provision of remote young people's services, providing the relief of food poverty.
Find out more by click HERE and visiting the website.
Or Click HERE to go to our facebook page.
FareShare is the UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors, made up of 17 independent organisations. Together, we take good quality surplus food from right across the food industry and get it to almost 11,000 frontline charities and community groups.
The Coop run a national Food Share partnership scheme to tackle food waste and fight food poverty. Traditionally, this food would be thrown away, however The Coop want these products to reach and feed the people in our local community who need it most to prevent food waste.
What we do
The food we redistribute is nutritious, in-date and good to eat. It reaches charities across the UK, including school breakfast clubs, older people’s lunch clubs, homeless shelters, and community cafes. Every week the partnerships we work with provide enough food to create almost a million meals for vulnerable people.
You can donate to Team Foodshare by paypal, on our local giving site - Click HERE to find out more or contact us on 07305 782569 and our Co-ordinator can provide you with online banking details.